previous parts
- Creating Ads Manger for Android - Part 1 - First part of SBCAdManager
- Creating Ads Manger for Android - Part 2 - Finishing SBCAdManager
- Creating Ads Manger for Android - Part 3 - Implementing AdMob
- Creating Ads Manger for Android - Part 4 - Implementing Madvertise
In previous part we implemented Madvertise. This time we will do the same with Leadbolt. While AdMob and Madvertise pays you for click, Leadbolt pays you usually for action the user has to do. So you may encounter CPA term which stands for Cost per Action instead well known CPC (cost per Click). If I convert my latest revenue to CPC I get very low value 0.01 - 0.02 while AdMob is 0.035 in average. Beside this Zone Alarm for Android is warning users that your app contains AdwareAndroidos.leadbold... Is it still worth to implement it? Ok, I am using only banners, not any kind of ads like push notifications and so on, so my users will not get angry. The app passed registration at or without problems. And the size of the banner is smaller than AdMob or Madvertise banners. Thus, for our game Deadly Abyss 2 is Leadbolt only network if playing on mobile phone (if playing on tablet then AdMob, Madvertise and Leadbolt are rotating).
Finally, we are making ad manager to handle multiple networks, so it is not wise to rely only on one network.
If you intent to use Leadbolt you can register through this link. If you do so, I will get some small reward from them :-)
The first line contains the ID your ad unit is assigned by Leadbolt. The second line defines refresh rate in millis - here 1,5 minute.
The constructor is very simple:
Here is problem that I encountered: to refresh ad, calling to destroyAd() (called in destroy() method) and then calling to loadAd() should be enough. But the refreshing in this way did not work for me. So I am destroying the mAdView (the AdController object) every time and creating new one. I posted question to forum and I got reply from user called jay-z. While the above method works, I will try his code and update this article accordingly if it will work for me too.
Here is implementation of next methods - nothing special here:
In last two parts when implementing AdMob and Madvertise we left our keyDown implementation empty. For Leadbolt we have to handle back key. This is the reason why we have this method in interface. Of course, to avoid implementation in every ad system we could create abstract class between interface and concrete implementation (that will do nothing) and override it only when we need specialised behavior - I will leave this small change on your choice:
Finally, we are making ad manager to handle multiple networks, so it is not wise to rely only on one network.
If you intent to use Leadbolt you can register through this link. If you do so, I will get some small reward from them :-)
Adding Leadbolt SDK
This should be no problem. Leadbolt has very good and simple manual. It is located under App Developer SDKs in HELP/FAQS section. Actually it is the same as AdMob integration - copy .jar with SDK into libs folder and then adjust Build Path in Project Properties (right click on project name in Eclipse). Then Add JARs...Adjusting manifest
As for previous ad networks we have to adjust manifest file with permissions. Leadbolt has three required permissions: INTERNET, ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE and READ_PHONE_STATE. The first two we already have from times of AdMob implementation. There are three optional permissions: ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION, ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION and ACCESS_ LOCATION_EXTRA_COMMANDS. The coarse location we already allowed for Madvertise so we adjust the manifest like this:<!-- additional LeadBolt permissions --> <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE" /> <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION"/> <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_LOCATION_EXTRA_COMMANDS"/>
Adjusting constatns
While most of the other networks has some way how to set refresh rate for Leadbolt you have to do it by yourself. So in the file with constants ( we will define these lines:// Leadbolt public static final String LEADBOLT_UNIT_ID = "YOUR_LEADBOLT_ID_HERE"; public static final long LEADBOLT_REFRESH_RATE = 1000 * 90 * 1;
The first line contains the ID your ad unit is assigned by Leadbolt. The second line defines refresh rate in millis - here 1,5 minute.
Now let's start implementation. As usual the imports and fields come first:package com.sbcgames.sbcads;import;import;import com.sbcgames.sbcengine.SBCEngine;import android.util.Log;import android.view.KeyEvent;import android.view.ViewGroup;public class LeadboltSystem implements SBCAdSystem, AdListener { private final String SYSTEM_NAME = "LEADBOLT "; private SBCAdEventListener mListener = null; private AdController mAdView; private final ViewGroup mLayout; private Runnable mR = null; private SBCEngine mSBCEngine = null;
The constructor is very simple:
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------ public LeadboltSystem(SBCEngine aSBCEngine, ViewGroup aLayout) { mSBCEngine = aSBCEngine; mLayout = aLayout; }
SBCAdSystem implementation
Next follows implementation of our SBCAdSystem interface://------------------------------------------------------------------------ // SBCAdSystem //------------------------------------------------------------------------ @Override public void start() { final LeadboltSystem system = this; mR = new Runnable() { public void run() { Log.d("AdsSystem", SYSTEM_NAME + "Creating AdController and asking for Ad"); if (mAdView != null) { stop(); destroy(); mAdView = null; } mAdView = new AdController(mSBCEngine, SBCAdsConstants.LEADBOLT_UNIT_ID, system); mAdView.loadAd(); mLayout.postDelayed(this, SBCAdsConstants.LEADBOLT_REFRESH_RATE); } }; mLayout.postDelayed(mR, 0); }
Here is problem that I encountered: to refresh ad, calling to destroyAd() (called in destroy() method) and then calling to loadAd() should be enough. But the refreshing in this way did not work for me. So I am destroying the mAdView (the AdController object) every time and creating new one. I posted question to forum and I got reply from user called jay-z. While the above method works, I will try his code and update this article accordingly if it will work for me too.
Here is implementation of next methods - nothing special here:
//------------------------------------------------------------------------ @Override public void stop() { if (mR != null) { Log.d("AdsSystem", SYSTEM_NAME + "removing listener"); mLayout.removeCallbacks(mR); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ @Override public void destroy() { if (mAdView != null) { mAdView.destroyAd(); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ @Override public void setEventListener(SBCAdEventListener aListener) { mListener = aListener; }
In last two parts when implementing AdMob and Madvertise we left our keyDown implementation empty. For Leadbolt we have to handle back key. This is the reason why we have this method in interface. Of course, to avoid implementation in every ad system we could create abstract class between interface and concrete implementation (that will do nothing) and override it only when we need specialised behavior - I will leave this small change on your choice:
//------------------------------------------------------------------------ @Override public boolean keyDown(final int aKeyCode, final KeyEvent aEvent) { if (aKeyCode == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_BACK) { if (mAdView.onBackPressed()) { Log.d("AdsSystem", SYSTEM_NAME + "back key pressed"); return true; } } return false; }
AdListener implementation
Leadbolt, as well as other ad networks we have seen so far has its own interface for callbacks. The name is AdListener - the same as for AdMob. But this time it has different set of methods. Their implementation is empty for most of the them. The one that is important is onAdClicked(). Despite AdMob or Madvertise, the Leadbolt does not start any new Activity that would pause your current activity - your game. So, you have to do it by yourself. We are calling sendMessage() method. This method is general method in my engine to send messages to Java part of the engine from other Java parts or from NDK. Thanks to this I can ask engine to do lot of things just with different method's arguments.//------------------------------------------------------------------------ // LEADBOLT //------------------------------------------------------------------------ @Override public void onAdClicked() { stop(); mSBCEngine.sendMessage(SBCEngine.MESSAGE_OUT_PAUSE, 0, 0); Log.d("AdsSystem", SYSTEM_NAME + "onAdClicked"); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ @Override public void onAdAlreadyCompleted() { Log.d("AdsSystem", SYSTEM_NAME + "onAdAlreadyCompleted"); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ @Override public void onAdClosed() { Log.d("AdsSystem", SYSTEM_NAME + "onAdClosed"); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ @Override public void onAdCompleted() { Log.d("AdsSystem", SYSTEM_NAME + "onAdCompleted"); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ @Override public void onAdFailed() { Log.d("AdsSystem", SYSTEM_NAME + "onAdFailed"); mListener.onFailed(this); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ @Override public void onAdHidden() { Log.d("AdsSystem", SYSTEM_NAME + "onAdHidden"); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ @Override public void onAdLoaded() { Log.d("AdsSystem", SYSTEM_NAME + "onAdLoaded"); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ @Override public void onAdPaused() { Log.d("AdsSystem", SYSTEM_NAME + "onAdPaused"); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ @Override public void onAdProgress() { Log.d("AdsSystem", SYSTEM_NAME + "onAdProgress"); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ @Override public void onAdResumed() { Log.d("AdsSystem", SYSTEM_NAME + "onAdResumed"); }}
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