Thursday, March 3, 2016

Phaser: Typescript defs for Phaser Box2D plugin


Previous Phaser tutorials and articles:
Phaser tutorial: Spriter Pro features added to Spriter player for Phaser
Phaser tutorial: Using Phaser signals
Phaser tutorial: Breaking the (z-order) law!
Phaser tutorial: Phaser and Spriter skeletal animation
Phaser tutorial: DronShooter - simple game in Typescript - Part 3
Phaser tutorial: DronShooter - simple game in Typescript - Part 2
Phaser tutorial: adding 9-patch image support to Phaser
Phaser tutorial: DronShooter - simple game in Typescript - Part 1
Phaser tutorial: custom easing functions for tweening and easing functions with parameters
Phaser tutorial: sprites and custom properties for atlas frames
Phaser tutorial: manage different screen sizes
Phaser tutorial: How to wrap bitmap text

 If you are coding Phaser games in Typescript and purchased Phaser Box2D plugin, you are probably missing Typescript defs for it.

 I purchased the plugin during Christmas and now I am making Phaser/HTML5 port of our game Shards - the Brick Breaker (Google Play, iTunes). So, I decided to write the defs by myself.
 Thanks to previous Box2D experience, I understand Box2D terminology and how it works. On the other side, I did not write such a big Typescript defs before. Finally, I finished it and you can get first version of it on new GitHub repository here.

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